How Can We Help You?

Account Icon
certificate icon
courses icon
exams icon





Update my information (name, address, password), add / deactivate users, and login information

Find, print exam / course certificates

Find / take courses, manage your course catalog

Find / take exams, manage your exam catalog, and assign exams

licenses icon
Memberships icon
Payment & Refunds icon
Reports icon



Payments & Refunds


Add your RN licenses

Membership plans, purchase / update your membership Annual fee, exam / course prices, and renewal CE Broker and Group reports

General Information
Group Accounts

Reset my Password

On the login page, select the Forgot username/password link. You will receive instructions in the email associated with your account. If you get an error message when you enter your username / password select the same link to reset it. login screen

Update my Information (name, address, password)

If your name has changed, email us at with your legal documentation (i.e., driver's license, State ID, or passport) of the change.

Your address may be changed by editing your profile. You may also opt-in or opt-out of promotional notifications and subscription to newsletters.

  1. Select your name in the top right menu bar.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Select Edit profile under the User account menu.
  4. To change your password, choose the second option on the same menu.
edit profile step 1 edit profile step 3 edit profile step 3

Group Accounts

Number of Account Administrators

You can assign two Group Administrators and one Billing Administrator to manage your account.

Update Group Information

  1. Select Manage Groups from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select the three-dot icon under the Actions column, then select Edit Group.
manage groups link edit group link

Add Group Members

You may add one user at a time(1) or upload users in bulk(2).

  1. You may add one user at a time by selecting Create New User from the Quick Links menu.
  2. You may upload users in bulk by selecting Upload Users from the Quick Links menu.

Add a Group Member Who Has an Existing Account

If you receive the message ‘Email is already registered’ when adding a user, the member will need to use a different email address for their group account.

Group Member Registration

  1. Select Manage Groups from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select the three-dot icon under the Actions column.
  3. Select Copy to clipboard to copy and paste your specific group sign-up link and send it to your group member to complete their sign-up.
Copy group link to clipboard

Group Member Login Information

The group administrator must send the member the group sign-up link to complete their registration (See Group member registration above). Alternatively, the group administrator can create the group member account (see Add group members above) and share their login information.

Deactivate Group Members

  1. Select View List of Users from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Locate the group member and select suspend user (eye icon) next to their name.
suspend user icon is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). Make sure you have a PDF reading program (i.e., Adobe Acrobat Reader) installed on your computer.

User Access

  1. Select My Certificates from the Quick Links menu. The default view displays your certificates issued after 07.07.23
  2. Select Issued before 07.07.23 button (top left) to view your certificates prior to that date.
  3. Other Certificates link displays your recompletion certificates. That is, previous certificates from courses you’ve taken more than once.
  4. Under the File column next to a course name, select the icon to download, view, or print your certificate. You may also download the list as a .csv file for your reference.
certificate page

Group Administrator Access to Member's Certificates

Select Course Certificates and/or Exams Certificates from the Quick Links menu, according to your account type.

Course Certificates

By default, the page displays all members' certificates after 07.07.23. You may filter your data by:

  • Selecting a specific course from the dropdown menu or
  • Searching for a specific user.
  • Select View Certificate next to the member name.

Members' certificates are also automatically emailed to the Group Admin after they are issued.

Exam Certificates

  1. Use the dropdown menu to select one or more exams.
  2. Select a date range (required).
  3. Select View Certificate next to the member name.

Members' certificates are also automatically emailed to the Group Admin after they are issued.

Group Members

Course Catalog

The unlimited online course membership allows group users to self-enroll in any content from the general catalog. Likewise, individuals with annual membership also have access to the entire course catalog.

Course Enrollment

  1. Select Course/Exam Library from the Quick Links menu or top menu.
  2. Select the course you would like to enroll in by using the search field or scrolling through the catalog.
  3. Select Enroll me (if you have an individual membership).
  4. Select the course link to take the course (A).
  5. Once you complete the course, take the post-test (B), complete the evaluation (C), and receive your certificate (D).
Course Library page

Course steps

Course availability

Unlimited online group members and individuals with annual membership may retake an online course as many times as they wish while the account is active.

If you have trouble viewing the courses, make sure you are not using Safari browser.

Course expiration

Most courses expire after three (3) years. However, on occasion, a course will expire before a three-year period. We recommend that you plan to complete the post test before the expiration date. If you pass the course before the expiration date, your certificate will still be valid after that date.

CE Broker reporting

All course completions are reported to CE Broker on a weekly basis. We electronically report to CE broker for the following states: Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Wyoming. As additional states are added to CE Broker this list will be updated. To have your credits reported, verify that your license number is listed in your profile (See Accounts - Update/Add License above).

Group Members

View User's Enrollment List

  1. Select View List of Users from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select the user name and then the Courses tab to view learner's progress.

User course path

user course list

Group Admins
Group Members

Group Admins

Select Exams

Prior to assigning exams to your users, you must select the exams your group will access. You may update your exam catalog at any time during your contract period.

  1. Select Manage Groups from the Quick Links menu.
  2. From the three-dot menu (Actions), select Assign Courses/Exams.
  3. Select the exams you wish to assign and save.
assign exams tab

select exams

Assign Exams

Exams must be assigned by the Group Administrator after adding the user to the account (See Add group members above).

  1. Select Manage Groups from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select the enroll users icon.
  3. Select the exam from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select enroll under the action column for the user you are enrolling.
  5. The action column will update to reflect the user is already enrolled

The user will be alerted via email when they have been assigned an exam.

Assign exam extra attempt

Exams Extra Attempts are approved by the Group Administrator after a failed exam result. Each extra attempt is an additional charge.

  • Select Assign Exam Extra Attempt from the Quick Links menu.
  • Select All users or specific users to approve.

Exam extra attempt

View exam results

When a user completes an exam the Group Admin will receive an email with the results. In addition, at any time, the Group Admin has access to the list of users who have passed an exam by selecting Exam Certificates from the Quick Links menu and selecting the exam from the drop-down menu.

View exam's enrollment

  1. Select Manage Groups from the Quick Links menu.
  2. From the three-dot menu (Actions), select Assign Courses/Exams and locate your exam from the drop-down menu.
  3. View list of all users who have been enrolled in that exam.

Group members

Retake Exam

In some situations your group administrator will reassign an exam that you've failed previously. You will receive an email with a link to retake the exam. You may also access the exam from your dashboard.

Update / Add License

  1. Select My Licenses from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select the Add License button (top left). List all the licenses which you want to be reported to CE Broker.

Individual Membership Plans

  • Unlimited Courses - Access to 150+ CNE courses, 30+ CNA courses, State-required CE courses, CCMC courses, and instant certificates - $48 per year.
  • A la carte - pay per course (Prices vary according to CE credits from $10 - $30 per course)

Group Membership Plans

  • Pay-Per-Use Exams & Workplace Safety Module - Access to assign all Exams and the Workplace Safety Module from the general catalog.
  • Unlimited Online Courses  - Access to all Courses in the general catalog.
  • Pay-Per-Use Exams and Courses Group - Access to assign all Exams/Workplace Safety Module and access to all Courses in the general catalog.

Membership duration

All Memberships are valid for one year. Group membership is effective from the date it is approved.

Membership purchase

Go to, navigate to the Membership Information tab and select individual or group membership to sign up. You will need your RN license information to add to your profile for CE broker reporting, if applicable.

Membership change/update

Group Membership plans may be modified at the time of renewal. If you wish to change/add additional services prior to your renewal, contact us at

Individual memberships can be changed at any time. Prior course activities will still be accessible. However, a credit is not applied for any previously purchased individual courses.

If you have an individual membership and later you become part of a group account you will have two separate accounts. Your activities for individual membership and group membership will remain separate and are not combined.

We accept all major credit cards.

Payment due and collection

- For individual memberships payment is processed online through a secure gateway using PayPal, American Express, Discover, Visa, or Mastercard. You can also renew it online by purchasing it again after expiration.

- For all group memberships, you must pay the annual account maintenance fee ($299) to activate your account. After receiving your group membership application, a member from our accounting team will contact the group's billing administrator for payment. Payment options include Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and ACH electronic funds transfer.

  • For Pay-Per-Use Exams & Workplace Safety Module membership you will be billed twice a year (April and October) based on the number of exams assigned to your group members - $9/exam per user.
  • For Unlimited Online Courses Group membership, you will be billed twice a year (April and October) according to your membership level (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum).
  • For Pay-Per-Use Exams and Courses Group membership, you will be billed twice a year (April and October) based on the number of exams and courses assigned (or taken?) - $9/exam and $10/course per user.


Request a refund by contacting us at or as follows (see image below):

  1. Select My Account
  2. Select Orders
  3. Select Cancel Request

Be sure to include the amount and reason for your request. A member of our support team will follow up within 24-48 business hours.

orders menu item cancel request menu

CE Broker Report

We electronically report to CE broker for the following states: Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Wyoming. As additional states are added to CE Broker this list will be updated. To have your credits reported, verify that your license number is listed in your profile (See Accounts - Update/Add License above).