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Activase Therapy

  • Contact Hours: 2
  • Learning Category: Critical Care, General Nursing Courses
  • Expiration Date: 06/30/2027

Course Description

This two (2) hour course is designed to inform healthcare providers how to recognize strokes, understand their complications, and treat them using Activase®. As more people identify stroke symptoms early and receive Activase® quickly, nurses need to understand how to care for patients before, during, and after the administration of Activase®.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills to:

✔️ Identify stroke statistics.

✔️ Define stroke, state risk factors (both modifiable and non-modifiable), and signs and symptoms of acute ischemic stroke.

✔️ Define the mechanism of action, patient eligibility, dosage, administration, and adverse side effects of Activase®.

✔️ Identify the nursing issues to consider when taking care of someone before, during, and after administration of Activase®.


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